Monday, January 26, 2009

Fried Green...Bananas

1. Use the green ones or else your going to end up with fried banana pudding. Slice in short or long strokes. These are short. Long would be the other way down the banana. Do I really need to explain that?

2. Soak in water with a dash of salt for 10 minutes

3. Drop in a heated pan of oil and cook until they look the same color of McDonald's french fries.

4. Let them cool! Don't be a pig. Good with ketchup; bad for the complexion.


  1. Karisse
    don't tell me that you are cooking something besides boiling water and guacamole. Love you, Mom

  2. Ha! Thanks Mom. I can make a mean toast too. I fully subscribe to "cocktail sauce being Caribbean ketchup".

  3. I love making those! My kids like them, too. Try dipping them in Ranch. Yum!

  4. Ranch sounds de-lish! I think I could add ranch to cardboard and enjoy it.
